It was 2008 Tokyo meeting that the first “Poster Award” and “Young Scientist Award” were given to young scientists who made excellent presentation by the Protein Science Society of Japan. At the 16th annual meeting, 10 presentations for Poster Award and 10 for Young Scientist Award will be given in the 5 fields: “Protein structure”, “Computation / Information science”, “Protein / Celluar functions, Imaging”, “Biophysics, Protein Folding” and “Proteomics / Protein engineering”. Furthermore, a few presentations as the Young Scientist Award for Excellence will be elected from among Young Scientist awardees.
Awardees will be commended and given prizes and certificates at the banquet. You can apply via online abstract submission system. Your enthusiastic applications are highly welcomed. Recipients of “Young Scientist Award” will be asked to contribute your experiment protocols, review papers or essay to the archive of PSSJ.
Young Scientist Award
Open period for Abstract submission
Application Requirements and Procedure
Please note that past recipients of Young Scientist Award cannot apply. At the selection, the younger scientists are more likely prioritized. However, the committee will take the length of maternity and childcare leave into account. Please mention the length of your maternity and childcare leave in your CV, which you will be asked to submit for confirmation of your qualification later.
Please submit an application in the proper form via website.
Applicants who are Regular members
If applicants of Regular members are not selected for Young Scientist Award, the abstract will be switched to free poster presentation automatically.
Applicants who are Student members
If applicants of Student members are not selected for Young Scientist Award, the abstract will be switched to the selectin for Young Poster Award automatically.
Application document selection
About 10 Young Scientist awardees will be selected based on the application in advance.
An evaluation item is “Research outline”.
Presentation selection
The above awardees will make a presentation with a brief discussion at the Young Scientist Award Symposium on the meeting day. The Young Scientist Award for Excellence is selected based on “Research outline” and “Presentation Clarity”. Both English and Japanese are available for presentation.
Young Poster Award
Open period for Abstract submission
Application Requirements and Procedure
Applicant must be a student member and presenting author. (Regular members are not qualified.) Those who have received or applied for this award previously, are eligible. Please complete online abstract submission for “Young Scientist Award / Poster Award”.