Abstract Submission

The above period will not be extended. You can neither submit new abstract, edit nor withdraw your submitted abstract once the submission period is closed.
1. Abstract Submission Requirements
- To submit an abstract, JSCB membership is required.
If you are not a JSCB member, apply for membership beforehand.
For JSCB members, we recommend you to complete payment for annual membership fee before abstract submission. - Complete Pre-registration before abstract submission. In order to submit an abstract, you will need to enter 6-digit pre-registration ID, which will be sent to you upon completion of pre-registration.
Click here for Pre-registration - You can submit only ONE paper as first author / presenter for either one of Symposium or Talk. However, you can be a co-author for other papers.
2. Guidelines
1. Prior to submission
1) How to submit an abstract
Download the abstract format by clicking the button on the end of this page, fill all the necessary information and send to the meeting secretariat via email. The abstract format must be saved in MS Word.
JSCB2016 Secretariat : jscb2016@aeplan.co.jp
2) Presentation style
Oral presentation has two styles: Symposium and Talk. We expect many applications for them. Please note that the program committee selects Oral presenters. So if your abstract is not selected as Oral, it will automatically shift to Poster presentation.
3) Membership Number
You are required to enter your JSCB membership ID. If your application for membership is in process, please enter “9999” instead.
If you forgot your ID, please contact JSCB Secretariat
E-mail: jscb@nacos.com
2. Apply for Symposium, Talk or Poster
1) Apply for Symposium
The symposiums for this meeting consist of appointed presenters and selected presenters. The program committee selects presenters from applied papers Choose 1 or 2 in the “Apply for Oral presentation “ in the abstract format.
Select the presentation categories not only from Symposium category list but also from Talk & Poster presentation category list.
Symposium Category List
2) Apply for Talk
Choose 1 or 3 in the “Apply for Oral presentation “ in the abstract format. The program committee selects presenters for Talk. Select two presentation categories from Talk & Poster presentation category list.
Talk & Poster presentation Category List
3) Apply for Poster
Choose 4 in the "Apply for Oral presentation" in the abstract format. Select two presentation categories from Talk & Poster presentation category list.
Talk & Poster presentation Category List
4) Apply for Young Scientist Award
Young scientists, who are 38 years old and younger as of April 1, 2016, can apply for “Young Scientist Award”. Approximately 10 candidates will be selected from applied papers. The awards will be given to two excellent presenters selected on the meeting day.
Choose 1 in the “Apply for Young Scientist Award" in the abstract format to apply for this award. You are required to submit a self-recommendation letter along with abstract.
3. Notes on the abstract submission / Submission ID / Confirmation notice
1) Alphabetical notation of authors’ names
On the author index page, names of authors will be shown in alphabetical order by alphabetical notation of authors’ names which you enter on abstract submission form. The names of one author cannot be shown consecutively in the index page, if the alphabetical notations of her/his name are entered differently.
2) Length of Abstract
Abstract should be less than 2,315 one-byte characters including title, author(s), affiliation(s), and body.
3) Abstract Submission ID
Please keep your abstract submission ID, which will be sent to you by the meeting secretariat upon completion of abstract submission.
You need the abstract submission ID to edit or withdraw your submitted abstract.
4) Confirmation Notice of Abstract Submission
Notice including Abstract Submission ID will be sent to your registered email address in a few days after you complete abstract submission.
4. Edit / Withdrawal of Submitted Abstract, Notice of Acceptance /Rejection
1) Edit
Send your revised abstract by e-mail with your Abstract Submission ID to the meeting secretariat. You cannot edit your abstract after the abstract submission period is closed.
2) Withdrawal
If you want to withdraw your abstract, notify the secretariat by e-mail with your Abstract Submission ID. You cannot withdraw your abstract after the abstract submission period is close.
3) Notice of Acceptance / Rejection
Notice will be sent to you by email in the end of April, 2016. We recommend you to register email address other than free mail address. The notice may not be sent to you successfully if you register free mail address.